Kassioun Editorial 1066: Electrifying the Country

 Not dealing with the electricity crisis as a priority rises to the level of national irresponsibility, as it contributes effectively to emptying the country of its people, perpetuating division, additional deterioration of living standards, and the Zionist plans for the…

Kassioun Editorial 1065: Ukraine is Merely a Spark

Since the 2008 crisis erupted, at the time being called the “financial crisis”, it became clear to the “People’s Will Party” that the crisis would not stop and will continue to deepen reaching the main nerve of the capitalist system…

Kassioun Editorial 1064: Kyiv-Damascus… Delay or Acceleration?

Since events in Ukraine started, the extremists from both Syrian sides rushed to look within these events for something that supports their previous slogans of “resolving militarily” and “toppling”. This behavior – apart from being detached from reality – represents…

Kassioun Editorial 1063: Signs of a New Era

The last Kassioun editorial was titled: “The End of the Petrodollar Era?”, and the subsequent events quickly confirmed what was written therein. Specifically, last Wednesday, Russia announced that it would sell its gas exclusively in rubles to “unfriendly countries”, and…

Kassioun Editorial 1062: The End of the Petrodollar Era?

The past weeks have revealed sufficiently clearly what Kassioun has previously said since the Ukrainian event started, which is that Ukraine itself is only the tip of the iceberg in a conflict that extends much deeper and broader, and one…