Kassioun Editorial 1049: Bulldozing Syrians Out of Syria

It is impossible to rely on any statistics for the number of Syrian refugees, whether UN numbers or those of host countries, because on the one hand, the numbers are conflicting, and on the other, there are large numbers of…

Kassioun Editorial 1048: Yet, it Still Revolves!

Recently, “new” interpretations have been spreading around, which are variations on Sadat’s saying: “99% of the cards are in the America’s hand”. Things such as: “America reprieves but does not neglect” or that the whistle is still in the hands…

Kassioun Editorial 1046: What is Behind Lifting Subsidization?

Since the outset, subsidization policies were an expression of wages not being sufficient for those who receive them to reach the minimum standard of living. Therefore, it was necessary to subsidize them, whether by fixing the prices of some basic…

Kassioun Editorial 1043: The Northeast and 2254

Northeastern Syria has been going through a tense and complex situation for several weeks, as a result of the many entanglements therein, and under the impact of continuous Turkish threats of a new aggression.